
Monday, January 10, 2022

Jesus Will Be Arriving

 JESUS is coming soon.....

Beth Patch – Senior Producer,

“JESUS WILL ARRIVE IN 3 DAYS” displayed on my vacation rental manager app. I smiled. I never had a guest with the first name Jesus before. The message sparked my imagination.

What would I do if I knew Jesus Christ, my Savior, was returning in three days? [Please forgive the break from reality – I know none of us will know ahead of time (Matthew 24:36).]

Imagine with me — Jesus arrives in three days. My first reaction is joy. I’m going home. I will be with Jesus, my closest friend! God’s Son who suffered torture and death to bear the penalty for my rebellious, sinful life is coming to get me. The faithful One who stayed with me in times of deep sorrow, who carried my burdens and changed my life for the better is on His way. I will be taken away from this place riddled with death, hatred, evil, and unfairness. The epic day, the huge change in life as we know it, is happening in three days.

Amid all my exciting visions of trumpets blasting, the sky filled with angels, and praises to the Lord Jesus coming from all those around me who are being drawn to Him, I hit a moment of despair.

What about those who never believed they were sinners? Those who never reconciled with God the Father? I know some of them. I love them. God loves them. Their future will be much different. They will receive God’s judgment for their sins. They didn’t believe the Father loves them. They only believed what they thought was right. They never humbled themselves to God and admitted they had sinned against the great I AM. They thought it was all foolishness. They didn’t believe they needed forgiveness or mercy. And now, in three days, their souls will be forever separated from Almighty God and headed for hell. They will be judged. Jesus said, “they will go away into eternal punishment, outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30-46).

My spirit grieves for them. All of a sudden, I’m not elated anymore. Time’s up. The judgment is coming. In three days.

It’s not enough time. I don’t want anyone to spend eternity separated from Father God and suffering in hell. And, the truth is, it could be today.

But when we die we will be face-to-face with Christ, the One who experienced death once for all to bear the sins of many! And now to those who eagerly await him, he will appear a second time; not to deal with sin, but to bring us the fullness of salvation. (Hebrews 9:28 TPT)

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