
Monday, September 21, 2020

Not Now, But Soon


My every footstep sank into a mound of sand, making my early morning beach stroll feel more like a mountain climb. The sun was already hot enough to bake cookies. By the time I reached the boardwalk that led back to the air-conditioned condo, I was panting with exertion. I looked forward to a tall glass of icy water.

As I passed the pond, squawking geese greeted me; I scowled at them as if they were to blame for fall’s absence. It was late September, after all. Determined to cling to my bad mood, I walked on. But when I saw the beautiful cattails lining the edge of the pond, I was drawn into the scene. The cattails stood at ease in utter stillness. Instead of fretting about the heat, they appeared cool and calm.

What I noticed next lifted my heart. A few of the cattails were covered with whitish-gray fuzz. When the summer life cycle of this plant is ending, new seeds are produced. Each is connected to a bit of white fluff so it can travel on the wind to grow in another place come spring. This was a sign of fall.

My grumbling spirit changed to one of gratitude. I bowed my head to thank God for His powerful reminder. Although the temperatures were still summertime-hot, God’s plan was in place and would continue. Through the promise I found in the marsh, I remembered God’s love is steadfast. He walks with us through all seasons of life, no matter how long they last.

“But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 8:25 ESV

To hope for in this verse means to expect and trust, while patience means cheerful endurance. How many blessings have I missed out on as I’ve rushed through life, being neither trusting nor cheerful? In my impatience for fall, I could have easily overlooked the fuzzy cattails, which, to me, signified His promise of eternal life.

Today God used His gift of creation to shift my focus from myself to His love for me as He whispered, “Not now, but soon.”

The longing to bypass God’s timing is useless.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:14 ESV

What is God asking you to wait for during this season of life?

What is the greatest challenge you face as you wait? 

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