Driving home one evening, I noticed I was low on fuel. Icy rain began striking the windshield, and I groaned at the thought of getting out of my warm car to fill up the gas tank on such a miserable night. But I reluctantly pulled into the next gas station I came to—and promptly did a double take! Through the pouring rain, I saw a woman dancing in the gas station. I sat for a moment and stared in wonder. Why would anyone dance with such joyful abandon on an awful night like this? A rather sad, cold, and lonely moment was instantly transformed by a woman who refused to be defined by her circumstances.
I regularly return to that image of the lone woman dancing in the gas station. I don’t know if she was a believer in Jesus, but her exuberance certainly reflected the joy He brings. What a beautiful illustration of what it can look like if believers choose to bring hope and light and Christ’s joy to those we meet instead of succumbing to the darkness of this world. We have new life in Him and He’s given us a heavenly perspective that should affect everything, including our work (Colossians 3:1-4).
The apostle Paul reminds us that if Jesus lives within us and is the One we live for, then, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can put to death our sinful nature as we put on our new nature. We can “be renewed” into Christ’s nature as we “learn to know [our] Creator and become like him” (Colossians 3:10).
Whether in word or deed, as He provides the strength and perspective we need, let’s choose to honor Jesus. As Paul wrote, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people” (Colossians 3:23). That may even lead you to dance as you work for Him.